Version 1.3.0 / Save version 1.01
- The Lost Levels are live!
- As a massive thank you to everyone who has supported Letters & Legends, Bow & Arrow Games is proud to presentĀ the Lost LevelsĀ – 10 extra tough levels containing a host of new tricks and challenges!
- The Lost Levels will unlock during chapter 1 and can be played immediately from the chapter select menu, but new players might want to wait a while – every Lost Level brings a new trick to the table, and finishing all of them might require you to beef up your characters and unleash your most voracious vernacular!
- Thank you to everyone who has played and supported Letters & Legends, and good luck!
- Also some minor fixes, including fix for the game crashing when you double press the OK button after finishing a level.
Version 1.2.11 / Save version 1.01
- Updated the word “DEMO” in the game logo in the demo version to match the new Steam art.
Version 1.2.10 / Save version 1.01
- Created the demo version: play through 4 levels from Chapter 1!
- Fix for the game crashing when you double press the OK button after finishing a level. This hasn’t been rolled out yet to the main game, just to the demo – watch this space for a bigger update hopefully soon!
Version 1.2.9 / Save version 1.01
- Fix to prevent game crashes due to some Mage attacks being missing after the Mage levelled up. Actually amazing this one took so long to spot!
Version 1.2.8 / Save version 1.01
- Potential fix for chapter 1 level 10, which crashes for some people for no very good reason, and without any apparent logic as to who gets the crash and who doesn’t.
- If anyone reads this and still experiences a crash mid-level, please get in touch!
Version 1.2.7 / Save version 1.01
- New switch in the Settings menu enables you to turn off all flashing lights and pulsing icons in the game, based on feedback that some users with particular sensory sensitivities found the flashing to be uncomfortable.
- Loosened the censor very slightly, notably to allow the word “FART” and all its derivatives.
Version 1.2.6 / Save version 1.01
- Tutorial button no longer has delay before loading the tutorial. Note to self: players think the button doesn’t work if they have to hold it down and there’s no visual feedback!
- Some very minor fixes in the hope that some levels won’t crash.
- If anyone reads this and experiences a crash mid-level, please get in touch!
Version 1.2.5 / Save version 1.01
- Potential fix for occasional issue with Mega Demon in Chapter 5. Good luck to anyone who got this far!
Version 1.2.4 / Save version 1.01
- Quick Hits no longer break the game when turn timers run to 0.
- Keyboard / gamepad input no longer breaks on Wordsearch levels. Weirdly, this issue was picked up by Steam while they were verifying the game on Steamdeck.
Version 1.2.3 / Save version 1.01
- Fix for game breaking bug in chapter 5 – game no longer stops after first enemy in chapter is defeated. Huge thanks to YourJaguarLover on Steam for his help here.
- Some timing improvements.
Version 1.2.2 / Save version 1.01
- Fix for chapter achievements not popping when they should.
- Fix for Endless level achievement not popping when it should.
Version 1.2.1 / Save version 1.01
- Shuffle button no longer has a delay on it, as that was really confusing people in the tutorial.
Version 1.2.0 / Save version 1.01
- The screen shakes when anyone gets hit. It’s awesome.
Version 1.1.1 / Save version 1.01
- Epic store only: minor fix to sandbox IDs to get achievements working across staging and live.
Version 1.1.0 / Save version 1.01
- Release candidate submitted to Epic Games for review.
- All achievements and cloud saves created on Epic Games store.
- page and downloads created.
- Fix for sound volume saving.
- All buttons should now click or whoosh when pressed.
- Purchase sound effect added.
- Added tutorials for item purchasing.
- Status icons now pulse.
- Changed Sir Shuffle icon.
- Moved level status icons over to enemy side.
- Save file reset for extra data.
Version 1.0.0 / Save version 1.00
- Release candidate submitted to Steam and Google Play for review.
- All 26 Steam achievements implemented.
- Cloud saves work.
- Brightened health damage stuff.
- Fixed issue where having a shorter 2nd/3rd word in a Sir Shuffle level would break the game.
- The Alchemist Goggles now do more than nothing, in theory.
- Quick Hits will limit letters in Wordsearch levels now, as long as the enemy can attack.
- Slightly adjusted item odds on multiple items.
- Fixed issue that made certain Sir Shuffle level unwinnable.
- Save file reset for extra data and future proof expandability.
Version 0.13.0 / Save version 0.24
- Can now shuffle Anagram levels.
- Turned off cheat menu.
Version 0.12.1 / Save version 0.24
- Edit to Rogue to allow all quick hits regardless of length during their Level Up level.
- Fixed issue with quick hit reducing max letters when an enemy dies.
- Edited rules to explain new Rogue skill.
Version 0.12.0 / Save version 0.24
- Completely reworked Quick Hits and the way the Rogue deals them to be more random, except in the Rogue’s level up level.
- Temporarily removed resetting the difficulty tip pop-up after playing the tutorial, as in its current state it could trigger after winning a level (most likely directly after playing the tutorial).
Version 0.11.1 / Save version 0.24
- Fixed issue where the game stopped saving, and created a new save file every time it started.
- Added note about the game difficulty to the rules.
- Game difficulty pop-up only triggers if difficulty is not already at lowest.
Version 0.11.0 / Save version 0.24
- Difficulty settings implemented.
- Lower difficulties reduce enemy damage and increase timers / turn counters.
- Set so that normal difficulty automatically awards 3 stars, mid level awards 2 stars, lowest level awards 1 star.
- Pop-up appears after 3rd loss.
- Save file reset for extra data.
Version 0.10.0 / Save version 0.22
- Progression redone – need to level up 1 or more characters per chapter to unlock the next chapter.
- Save file reset to cope with extra message data for above.
- Electric tiles do double damage compared to acid tiles.
- Bombs no longer show on anagram levels.
- Info pop up now positions correctly regardless of device orientation.
Version 0.9.3 / Save version 0.21
- All player characters slightly rebalanced to equalise their abilities to create healing tiles.
- All levels in chapters 4 & 5 have been balanced.
- All stars in chapters 4 & 5 have been reviewed.
- Chapters 4 & 5 redux levels rebuilt.
- Chapters 4 & 5 mega challenges rebalanced.
- Bug fixed where healing and fire tiles wouldn’t appear during levels where enemies don’t attack.
- Minor dictionary changes.
Version 0.9.2 / Save version 0.21
- Initial Steam build now live for testing.
- All levels in chapters 2 & 3 have been balanced.
- All stars in chapters 2 & 3 have been reviewed.
- Chapters 2 & 3 redux levels rebuilt.
- Chapters 2 & 3 mega challenges rebalanced.
Version 0.9.1 / Save version 0.21
- All levels in chapter 1 have been balanced.
- All stars in chapter 1 have been reviewed.
- Chapter 1 redux levels rebuilt.
- Chapter 1 mega challenge rebalanced.
- Minor edits to goal tracker to make balancing easier.
- Fire tiles and heal tiles can now have float modifiers.
- Lowered strength of Brute’s grid hits.
- Fixed my bad maths on working out percentage of remaining heath at the end of a level, meaning that now you won’t always get a star…
- Single level timer now works properly on Sir Shuffle levels, instead of resetting between words.
Version 0.9.0 / Save version 0.21
- Enemies can now only do 1 random shuffle per fight.
- Ice tiles now do half damage instead of being blockers.
- Fixed Mage description.
- Fixed issue with Mage attacks going missing in Unity due to renaming files.
- Tutorial automatically ends after final message.
- Electric Wand now has appropriate graphic.
- Automatic status effects now have shorter effects during Endless mode.
- Player can no longer be hit by back-to-back Confuse statuses.
- Possible fix for attack tiles occurring during “Enemies Don’t Attack” levels such as Sir Shuffle.
- Tutorial and celebratory info pop-ups now have a short timer before they can be closed (~1 sec).
- Gold updates were crashing Super Endless level – now fixed.
- Fixed issue with custom controller for Sir Shuffle, where the status highlight kept returning through turn 1.
- Fixed (self imposed) issue with shop, where the likelihood of the item being the Battery was very high as the number of items to choose from was very limited.
- Items fixed so that they appear in shop correctly.
- When shop is empty and player does not have max number of potions, a potion bundle will appear.
- Complete rebalance of gold economy.
- Added game version number to the Settings page, alongside save version number.
Version 0.X.X / Save version 0.21
- Mage balance changes.
- Shuffle button now has lighter press.
- Status highlight in first Sir Shuffle level (now fixed).
- Items fixed so that they appear in shop correctly.
- When shop is empty and player does not have max number of potions, a potion bundle will appear.
- Complete rebalance of gold economy.
- Save games will be reset.
Version 0.X.X / Save version 0.20
- Initial Google Play build now live for testing.